Technical Information
How to Get Started – Assessment Ranking Tool Information

To determine where your company currently stands on its Model Based Enterprise (MBE) journey an assessment can be performed using the MBE Capabilities Index. As stated earlier this index is intended to define levels of MBE capability. Each level denotes a distinctive step along the implementation journey.
To utilize it as an assessment tool simply begin at the lowest level and look at each cell as criteria. Then ask, can you do it or not? If the answer is no, note it and proceed to the next cell. Once you have completed all the criteria for one level check and see if you have any areas you answered yes for. If so move to the next cell along the row for that criteria. Continue this until you answer no for all rows. This will give you a composite level representing each area’s MBE capability with in your company.
The index is designed to allow you to have different levels of capability for each of the functional areas. This will allow you to focus your efforts on the areas that matter most for your business.
Once you have completed this assessment you can repeat the process. However, you need to start off where the last one ended and this time ask do you want this capability or not? The final result will be a tailored road map of where you want your company to be in the future. This roadmap can then be used to develop an implementation plan.